
The Emerald City

I understand why Seattle is called the Emerald City... everything is so green (I'm not sure if this is the actual reason, but I'm sticking to it). I've never seen trees with leaves that are packed so tight onto each little branch!

Here are some highlights from the trip:

The Ace Hotel
For the price ($99/ night!!) and the location, this place can't be beat. Plus it includes breakfast, complete with diy waffles.

Macrina Bakery

Across the street from The Ace and very tasty.

The Olympic Park Sculpture Garden:
We stumbled across this amazing sculpture garden during a morning stroll.

Geoff McFetridge: in the Mind

So awesome. From the artist's website:
"The piece is a collection of different graphic ideas that share a similar graphic aesthetic of primary colors and shapes. The subject matter and varying constructions of the imagery vary in their "realness". Some posters hang off the wall from oversized pins, others are painted directly on the wall. An graphic representation of a Thonet chair is also pinned to the wall, one leg connected surreally to a chair that lies on the ground. As you look at or "read" the piece your understanding of graphics of things, and actual things becomes unclear. Through large scale sculpture and the manipulation of the space I intended objects to become language, and graphics to become things. A large pin casts a painted shadow of a thumb-tack. To put yourself "in the mind" of the pin, it would be as if you looked down at your own shadow but the shadow of a lamp-post or a Nike Swoosh."

Roy McMakin: Love & Loss

Me + typographic art + rotating neon ampersand = love at first sight!

The Museum of Flight

The things I do for love.

Paseo's Caribbean Food
Pulled pork served at dumpy little hot pink shack on the side of the road with no sign. Sign me up!

The Locks
A link for boats between the saltwater of the Puget Sound and the fresh water of Lake Washington. Surrounded by a botanical garden. We had good timing and saw Boeing's private yacht lock through.

Cruising the city by boat is a must.

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