

This is a big week for all things Brazilian.

Alex and I have finally picked a venue and set the date. August 14th, 2010 at the Brazilian Room in Berkeley, CA.  The Brazilian Room is in the middle of Tilden Park on a grassy bluff, surrounded by Redwood trees. There are so many choices when it comes to planning a wedding that it can be super overwhelming to actually make a decision but I think we've made the right one.  Since it's a public building there are a few limitations that we'll have to deal with, but it's so beautiful and the price is right so I couldn't be more excited! I'm sure you'll get bored with all the wedding talk soon. I apologize in advance. This stuff can be all consuming.

In keeping with the Brazil theme but on a completely unrelated topic, I went last week and got The Brazilian Hair Treatment.  Let me preface this by saying that I've lived with what some would call a 'Jew-fro' for my whole life. But I've never straightened my hair. I don't own a brush or a hair dryer.  When I am in humid weather, I channel Diana Ross. I hardly ever wear my hair down because it get so big half way through the day that I feel like my face is being swallowed.  I always envy SJP's locks in Sex and the City but I don't have a team of stylists to do my hair every morning. So I decided to live dangerously and Brazil it up.  The process consists of the magic potion getting applied to my hair, then a blow out, then it all get flat ironed in. I couldn't wash my hair for 4 days and then voila... relaxed curls and no frizz. Walking around with straight hair for 4 days was a bit weird. I felt like Elvira. I rode my bike to the store (to buy a brush and a shower cap)  and I think I experienced what it must feel like to be a dog sticking his head out the window for the first time... my hair wind swept behind me. Yesterday was the first day I could wash my hair and you can see the results above. I still need to find the right product but I'm liking the way it looks. Relaxed, beachy curls. No more Jew-fro. Laura Bennet (former Project Runway contestant) wrote a funny take on the whole process over at The Daily Beast entitled My Illegal, Flammable, Fabulous Hair Treatment.  It made me laugh. The things women endure...


  1. Cracking up at you feeling like a dog with it's head out the window. I didn't even know who you were from a few feet away!

  2. woohoo. wow. i like the result a lot. actually from your written words i think we have the same hair problem. mostly when i wake up in the morning i look like i had stuck my finger into the power outlet. on the other hand i can't stand to have my hair straightened... but really... the result is awesome. what products did you use afterwards?


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