
Umbrella love

When I studied abroad in Italy during college, I lived in Venice for a few months.  I lived in the part of town where all the local Venetians live which was about a 40 minute cross-town walk from my school (Venice has no cars so you walk a lot when you live there. A lot). I never minded the walk because it was a great way to explore the city.  When it rained, I had a giant rainbow umbrella that I would use that made me feel a bit like I was living in a fairy tale. I mean, I was living in Venice and walking around the town like it was my town...  stopping at my local cafe, waiving good morning to my fruit vendor, scowling at all the tourists in the Piazza San Marco, hopping steps over the Ponte Academia, devouring my afternoon gelato.  After I finished school, I traveled around Europe for a month with Alex (who was a very new boyfriend at the time.  We had only been dating for 3 weeks before I left for Venezia. In a bold, totally romantic move, he flew out to Europe after me and swept me off my feet. The rest is history).  I schlepped that rainbow umbrella  all over Europe and back to the US with me because it reminded me of my days in Venezia. I still use it now when it rains. It's pretty much the best umbrella ever. In light of alllll of that, I may have found a replacement.

I mean it's heart shaped. I didn't think I would ever find a better umbrella than my giant rainbow umbrella. Now I'm beginning to wonder...

{top image: c/o regolare. Heart umbrellas can be purchased here}


  1. What a great little vignette. I could feel the warm rain and the lap of water against the canals as well as the essence of old walls flavoring the air. A bite of fruity gelato and a setting for romance if ever there was one. Congrats on your wedding plans.


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