
Unhappy Hipsters

These pictures and their made up captions by Unhappy Hipsters are all pretty hilarious

He couldn’t stand another night with that smug hookah.
(Photo: Hertha Hernaus; Dwell, June 2007)
You can come out when you can properly explain the differences between Modernist architecture and postmodern ornamentation.
(Photo: Craig Cutler; Dwell, February/March 2006)

There. He felt it again. The whole house had unmistakably slid toward the retaining wall, as if inching toward edificial suicide.
(Photo: Jason Schmidt, Dwell, February 2010)
The reindeer had tolerated the cheetah’s posturing — up until today.
(Photo: Dean Kaufman; New York magazine, spring 2009)

 The octopus was full of judgment.
(Photo: Mark Compton; Dwell, October 2009)

Ever the realist, he built his table for one.
(Photo: Céline Clanet; Dwell magazine, February 2010)

{captions c/o Unhappy Hipsters via Seesaw Designs}


  1. So funny! I love the octopus one esp :)

  2. Since the focus of many of these is "judging" I think we need one with you and Jax.

  3. I agree, that Octopus really has an attitude!


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